2012 Rotary Club of Suffolk Charity Raffle Winner Announced

Congratulations to the 2012 Charity raffle winner, Dr. Jane Derrig.

Dr. Derrig did not believe it at first when she got the phone call from Rotary Raffle Chairman, Patrick Belcher. She hung up the phone, thought a moment or two, and then called Patrick back to confirm the news. Dr. Derrig won a $5000 Walt Disney World package which included a $1000 Visa Gift Card, and a $4000 vacation package provided through AAA Travel. To present to the winner, AAA travel had prepared a bag of Disney goodies which included 4 tickets to Cirque Du Soliel for the winner and their guests to enjoy during their Walt Disney World Visit.

Dr. Derrig is a doctor of Rheumatology at Lakeview Medical Center. She purchased her ticket from Dr. George Cornell, another doctor at Lakeview. They were both very excited that she had won. She said, "Nothing this exciting ever happens here! I usually just put on my coat, do my work, and go home." She is looking forward to surprising her niece and nephew with the news and taking them on a magic adventure.

2012 Rotary Club of Suffolk Charity Raffle Winner