
You can now search for a Rotary club with RI's free mobile app. In the Apple app store, Google Play, and BlackBerry App World, it's called the Rotary Club Locator from Rotary International. 

Caroling: Autumn Care of Suffolk (December 18th) & Lake Prince Woods (December 19th). Event Chairman, Doug Naismith, would like to invite Rotary Club of Suffolk members and their guest to participate in this year's caroling during this festive

Congratulations to the 2012 Charity raffle winner, Dr. Jane Derrig. Dr. Derrig did not believe it at first when she got the phone call from Rotary Raffle Chairman, Patrick Belcher. She hung up the phone, thought a moment or two, and then called Pa

No need to worry. Our website with the support of ClubRunner secures all club information and your private information using the latest security technologies.

We are all excited to launch our new website.  After looking and many different options, we decided to partner with ClubRunner to host our web site!
